Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The main thing about improving your thinking

The main thing about improving your thinking is ''precision in language''. It helps immediately to be aware of the fact that we think in symbols, and the symbols are language: words and images and numbers, all of which are symbols for those things that they represent, outside of our brain. And thinking is manipulating and arranging these symbols in our brain, to come to a conclusion, without the need for manipulating and arranging the real things that the symbols represent, in the world outside our brain, in order to be able to come to conclusions about these things.

But this will make more sense later, after we have done a lot more analysis of these concepts.


  1. Mike, good to see you here. Thanks. I tried to post a test post on the other blog that we work on, TheMostImportantThingToDo.blogspot.com and I hope it will work this time. I sent this:

    The term ''important'' has no absolute ''meaning'' except the meaning of ''preventing, relieving, or minimizing suffering'', and also (which is the same thing), ''bringing, increasing, or maximizing pleasure. All possible definitions of ''important'' really mean: ''minimizing suffering and maximizing pleasure, in the long-range net effect, throughout one's life. Nothing else is ''important'', unless it does that. That is what the term ''important'' MEANS. It cannot possibly have any other 'meaning'.

  2. Is the universe ordered, or chaotic? Chaos made simple


    I keep telling you that: It is all so insane. It's not ordered, but just chance happenings, random events---chaos, not order, or as we say in Cantorian set theory, the ''universal set'' is an unordered set, although there are ''subsets'' of temporary order subsumed within the universal set of chaos.

    If you think about it, how could it be any different from that, since the greatest intelligence possible, whatever it is or could be, must be subsumed within a matrix/universal set of something unordered, because order does not just spontaneously generate itself out of a chance assemblage of conditions which would bring order out of chaos.

    Furthermore, an ordered set in the first place, a universal-set of order, could never cause or permit a subset of disorder to appear, as is here with Obama, although illusions of such subsets as order often appear out of the universal-set of disorder, causing us to think that the universal set is ordered, ab initio, which it can't be, since nothing preceded the initial universal set, to have ordered it, because the universe came first, before anything could have ordered it. ''Universe'' being defined as ''All things in space, and space itself; everything that ever was, and ever will be.'' Therefore, nothing could have existed before the universe, to have planned and ordered it, because if something did, then we just expand our definition of ''universe'' to include that too. So it HAS to be chaos, not ordered.

    This is what you are seeing now, with Obama and his chaotic chronies (good name for a punk band): You are seeing the final denouement of a tiny little chance-assemblage of conditions which caused a temporary illusion of order to manifest itself, called America, but is now coming apart as a subset of the overriding universal-set of chaos in which it is matrixed or subsumed, and always has been, as the wars in history keep showing us, but which the temporary illusions of order, between the main times of chaos, continually keep deluding us into thinking that we have finally achieved God's order, after all. But, it is always just an illusion, because there really is no order to it, just random Max-Planck quantum physics at work, which the leftists cannot understand, unfortunately, because they keep trying to impose their brand of ''order'' on us, to rid us of the ''bad chaos of capitalism'', as they perceive it. Ambrose Bierce wrote that the definition of peace is ''a period of cheating between two periods of fighting''. Similarly, the definition of order is ''a short-lived temporary illusion of harmony and sanity between two periods of chaos and craziness.'' In the present case, caused by the chance emergence of a powerful force out of the chaos, such as Ronald Reagan or Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, or Adolf Hitler, who was very intent on bringing ''order'' to his world, and he did.

    This is all self-evident by definition. To wit: the definition of ''order'' is: ''A planned arrangement. An arrangement of things that was planned in advance, and is living up to, or carrying out the plan.'' The key words are ''planned in advance'', because order does not just spontaneously pop into existence out of chaos, but temporary illusions of it do, due to the occasional appearance in the universe of repetitious phenomena, or of phenomena that seem to us to be repetitions of previous phenomena. But they are really not repetitions, since they are sui generis, because there is no such thing as an ''isomorphism'', as explained in the following paragraph. Order also has the ancillary definition of: ''operating in our behalf, individually and collectively, for our survival and well-being, as in 'law and order'.'' But of

  3. Tom,

    I keep telling you that: It is all so insane. It's not ordered, but just chance happenings, random events---chaos, not order, or as we say in Cantorian set theory, the ''universal set'' is an unordered set, although there are ''subsets'' of temporary order subsumed within the universal set of chaos.

    If you think about it, how could it be any different from that, since the greatest intelligence possible, whatever it is or could be, must be subsumed within a matrix/universal set of something unordered, because order does not just spontaneously generate itself out of a chance assemblage of conditions which would bring order out of chaos.

    Furthermore, an ordered set in the first place, a universal-set of order, could never cause or permit a subset of disorder to appear, as is here with Obama, although illusions of such subsets as order often appear out of the universal-set of disorder, causing us to think that the universal set is ordered, ab initio, which it can't be, since nothing preceded the initial universal set, to have ordered it, because the universe came first, before anything could have ordered it. ''Universe'' being defined as ''All things in space, and space itself; everything that ever was, and ever will be.'' Therefore, nothing could have existed before the universe, to have planned and ordered it, because if something did, then we just expand our definition of ''universe'' to include that too. So it HAS to be chaos, not ordered.

    This is what you are seeing now, with Obama and his chaotic chronies (good name for a punk band): You are seeing the final denouement of a tiny little chance-assemblage of conditions which caused a temporary illusion of order to manifest itself, called America, but is now coming apart as a subset of the overriding universal-set of chaos in which it is matrixed or subsumed, and always has been, as the wars in history keep showing us, but which the temporary illusions of order, between the main times of chaos, continually keep deluding us into thinking that we have finally achieved God's order, after all. But, it is always just an illusion, because there really is no order to it, just random Max-Planck quantum physics at work, which the leftists cannot understand, unfortunately, because they keep trying to impose their brand of ''order'' on us, to rid us of the ''bad chaos of capitalism'', as they perceive it. Ambrose Bierce wrote that the definition of peace is ''a period of cheating between two periods of fighting''. Similarly, the definition of order is ''a short-lived temporary illusion of harmony and sanity between two periods of chaos and craziness.'' In the present case, caused by the chance emergence of a powerful force out of the chaos, such as Ronald Reagan or Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, or Adolf Hitler, who was very intent on bringing ''order'' to his world, and he did.

    This is all self-evident by definition. To wit: the definition of ''order'' is: ''A planned arrangement. An arrangement of things that was planned in advance, and is living up to, or carrying out the plan.'' The key words are ''planned in advance'', because order does not just spontaneously pop into existence out of chaos, but temporary illusions of it do, due to the occasional appearance in the universe of repetitious phenomena, or of phenomena that seem to us to be repetitions of previous phenomena. But they are really not repetitions, since they are sui generis, because there is no such thing as an ''isomorphism'', as explained in the following paragraph. Order also has the ancillary definition of: ''operating in our behalf, individually and collectively, for our survival and well-being, as in 'law and order'.''

  4. survival and well-being, as in 'law and order'.'' But of couse there is a ''point of diminishing marginal returns'', which we quickly reach, in imposing ''order'' on anything, as we saw with Hitler, including on the economy, on the control of medicine and doctors and other professions, on ''proper'' speech and behavior, on a populace, and so on. When we reach that point of diminishing marginal returns, the ''order'' becomes chaos: the good order becomes an evil at that point, by definition.

    Again a definition is in order here: ''Isomorphism: A one-to-one correspondence between two mathematical aggregates.'' In order for there to be such a thing as an isomorphism, a thing would need to occupy the same space and time and gravity as its complementary counterpart to which it is equal. Of course then, its complementary counterpart would be occupying the same space and time, and that would mean that it is itself. So, an isomorphism, or what we call a ''repetition of phenomena'', is really just an illusion of such, since nothing can equal itself.

    The only ''order'' in the universe is that which we impose upon it, but it doesn't last long. ''Order'' is a human invention, just as ''sanity'' is a human invention. For example, sanity/order was invented by the cave men, or maybe the pre-human australopithecus, who said that being unclothed and unsheltered was crazy and not ordered well enough for us, so they invented the sanity of living in caves and shelters and wearing furs. And we keep reinventing the definition of what ''sanity'' is, all the time, updating what is ''sane'' or ''ordered'' behavior, with every new development and discovery of concepts and principles in science and psychology and sociology, etc., ever reinventing new definitions of ''sanity'' and ''order'', as Obama is doing, and which the media and the masses are apparently assimilating, as the new ''sanity'' and the new ''order'', such as with this government/nationalized health care. We chaos-theorists can see it as it is, and see the misguided economics-ignorant leftists as they are. What it is, is excessive ''order'', pushed beyond the point of diminishing marginal returns, as we will see clearly soon, when it backfires, which is inevitable with such excessive imposed order, such as Hitler's.

    This can be shown with capitalism, vs. the socialism/communism that Obama and his chronies are peddling, because they are trying to sell us on the idea that we can ''order'' and ''control'' the economy and the market forces, better than the random forces out there in the marketplace, the forces of each individual's buying and selling, the ''market forces'' of supply and demand. By definition, we can never find anything superior to these random market forces, even though people like Marxists and other leftists can't understand this, and will keep trying to impose ''control'' and ''order'' on the marketplace, as well as on the whole world, with such things as ''arms control'', nuclear disarmament, new world order, world government, and other types of force.

    Capitalism recognizes the environment as it is, chaotic not ordered, which makes it eminently superior in dealing with the environment/marketplace, as opposed to any so-called system of ''order'' or ''control'' which claims to know how to ''control'' all these infinite numbers of forces, such as supply, demand, price, elasticity, needs, changes of circumstance, time to buy or sell, and so on.

  5. Capitalism recognizes the environment as it is, chaotic not ordered, which makes it eminently superior in dealing with the environment/marketplace, as opposed to any so-called system of ''order'' or ''control'' which claims to know how to ''control'' all these infinite numbers of forces, such as supply, demand, price, elasticity, needs, changes of circumstance, time to buy or sell, and so on. Capitalism, or better said, free-market economy, is superior in dealing with the environment, because it recognizes that there is no way to control all the random forces at work in an economy, without very rapidly reaching the point of diminishing marginal returns, which always hurts us more than helps us, and that it is therefore better to let each individual buyer and seller respond to the present circumstances of the marketplace, and set the conditions, such as price and amount, rather than have some bureaucrat a thousand miles away set the conditions of trade, as Jefferson warned us about, in his utterance to the effect that ''Were it up to Washington D.C. to tell us when to plant and when to reap, we would soon be wanting for wheat.''

    It is always more efficient and efficacious, in dealing with any environment, to know well the environment we are dealing with. That is why free-market economy can never be improved upon, by any kind of forced controls on it, since free-market economy is more in touch with the kind of environment we are dealing with. Free-market adherents know the environment better than central planners and controllers, and that makes them the best operators of the economy, since the environment, as part of the universal-set of the whole universe, is not ordered in our behalf, since it ultimately eats us all, every one of us, and literally. Therefore, we must deal with it thus. We must deal with it as it is, chaos, and capitalism is the only way to do that successfully. No other possible system is sufficiently instantly-adaptive, as needed constantly, every second, because capitalism is the only system cognizant of the need for such point-of-sale determinativity or determinativeness, so to speak.

    There is much more to this, of course, but at least this is a small summary, off the top of my head. We will have a very difficult time in educating the leftists about this, however, but we must keep doing it. We must persevere in engaging them, whenever we can. We must teach the fundamentalists and the leftists and other doctrinaire and heavyhanded FORCERS of ''order'' on us, how they are misunderstanding ''reality''.

    The fundamentalists, leftists, and ORDER-FORCERS don't understand the basic principles here, and I will quote Thoreau in saying that we must attack their principles at the ''root'' of the problem, and not just try to fix the effects, instead of the root. As Thoreau said: ''For every person who is attacking the root of a problem, there are thousands of people flailing away at the branches'', which doesn't alleviate the problem at all, because the root always grows new and better branches, unless you deracinate, to eliminate the root. So get active, and start educating the leftists and fundamentalists and order-forcers about some of these basic ''root'' principles, by calling-in to talk shows, writing, explaining, and so on.


    From: Tom
    Sent: Tue, Apr 13, 2010 6:23 pm
    Subject: RE: Wall Street Journal Sizes up Obama: A ''sock puppet'', with no substance at all. Obviously, this is not exactly a little-known secret.

    Tom wrote:
    This is all so insane that it boggles the mind. Here? Us? Now? .....Tom

  6. From: Michael Wargo
    Subject: Wall Street Journal Sizes up Obama: A ''sock puppet'', with no substance at all. Obviously, this is not exactly a little-known secret.

    Wall Street Journal Sizes up Obama: A ''sock puppet'', with no substance at all. Obviously, this is not exactly a little-known secret. Sarcozy says he is deranged and very dangerous. He is obviously suffering from some kind of personality disorder, and not doing what the psychiatrists call ''adequate reality testing''. We are all therefore exposed to dynamite, and the fuse is lit....

    Article from the Wall Street Journal - by Eddie Sessions:

    ....We laugh at the ventriloquist's dummy, but what do you do when the dummy is President of the United States of America ?

  7. How about Martin Buber's true God, ''the God above the God of religion''? St. Anselm defined this God as ''That, than which nothing greater can be conceived.'' I expanded it a bit, when I said ''and which itself cannot be conceived, by mere humans'', although who knows? Maybe we can, somehow.

    In any event, by whatever definition you like, if ''God is not in his heaven, and all is not right with the world,'' contrary to Wordsworth's poem, then where is God? Is he a Deistic God, as many of the founding fathers believed? I wonder... And is my faith that all is well, and that the universe is exactly as it ''should'' be, justified? Even if it is ''fortuitistic''? Hmmmm...

    From: Michael Wargo
    Sent: Mon, Jul 12, 2010 11:31 am
    Subject: Re: Proof Positive: Born in Kenya, Africa

    ''Fortuitism'' is the ultimate bottom line here, the last ''universal set'' in the Cantorian/'''Kantorian'' set theory of the Venn-diagram universe that we are all inhabiting, but very few people have ever noticed the nature of the universe that we are inhabiting, except for fortuitists and chaos theorists. The rest all think that something preceded the universe to have designed and ''ordered'' it, not knowing that ''order'' is a human invention. Max Planck's quantum mechanics demonstrated, beyond all refutation, that Pearcean Tychism was indeed the way the universe works, because it is impossible to determine the position or direction of an electron, and since all motion and activity are denouements of the movement of electrons, nothing is predictable or even analyzable by traditional methods which assume an ''ordered'' universe, where ''God is in his heaven and all is right with the world'', to quote Wordsworth.

    These events and developments in the USA and our government right now are whispering to us: ''Pssst... Guess what? God is not in his heaven and all is definitely not right with the world.'' Fortuitism is rearing its ugly head, and showing itself to us, but as former Treasury Secretary Bill Simon said, in his great classic book ''A Time for Truth'': The government and populace of the U.S., and the rest of the world too, including the Muslims, ''they are trapped in a maze of their preconceptions'', preconceptions which originated in the caves and stone ages and before, and have never been systematically updated, and still today form the basis and foundation of all of our ''wisdom'', which is really folk wisdom, old wives' tales, such as the manichaeistic paradigm that there is an evil force called the devil, doing battle with good, in a struggle with the forces of darkness against the forces of light for permanent domination of the world, and so on. All very primitive cave-man stuff, of course,

  8. All very primitive cave-man stuff, of course, and Obama and his henchmen think they are restoring the forces of light, and commune-ism and ''human superiority'' in sorg-faellig careful central planning, over the dark forces and dark ages of chaos in ''laissez-faire'' decadence and libertinism masquerading as free-market economics, which is really nothing but a lack of order in human affairs which needs to be ''ordered'' FOR us by the orderer in chief and his henchmen who know more about that than anybody else, with their vastly superior knowledge, wisdom, and weltanschauung, particularly in the Economics arena, which is all things---they think---erroneously, as always, since ''they are trapped in a maze of their own preconceptions.''

  9. ...''they are trapped in a maze of their own preconceptions.'' William Simon was saying something very important to understand, when he wrote that book about this, ''A Time for Truth'', a must-read for everybody, which NOBODY will ever read, or almost nobody.

    Anyway, sorry to just shoot from the hip, off the top of my head, but the point is that this Obama natural-born contretemps is showing us how crazy and chaotic everything is, either way, whether he really is a natural-born citizen or he is a perpetrator of a great fraud, since reasons and proofs are nicely balanced on both sides of the issue, and nobody can authoritatively determine the truth. Now that is what I call crazy and chaos-reflecting.


    Subject: Re: Proof Positive: Born in Kenya, Africa

    If this is true, I think the following scenario will occur: Obama will stay in place but will not run again due to some "undisclosed health reason". The Dems and Reps will make a behind-the-scenes compromise in order to save the government. Dems in Congress will agree not to present any more socialist agenda items for a vote. Congress will be a lame duck congress. The truth of Obama's not being an American citizen will be classified Top Secret for a minimum of 50 years. Life goes on....

    Subject: Re: Proof Positive: Born in Kenya, Africa


    I have seen this and another "it is in court" bloggmists before. I see nothing in the mane streeeeem mediya on the subject of President BHO's Kenyan origin. Thus, it is either disformatsiya or the mediya blocks the truth. Even Bill O'Reilly will not touche' the subject.

    The longer it lingers, the stronger the smell gets. If is proven that El Presidente' Hussein Obama is an "un-natural" citizen, got nominated, took it, and was fraudulently elekted, it could be a big pig for the Anaconda America to swallow. There would be strife in der strasse. It would be kaputsky for der Demokratskiy too. Someone gave the primary and elekshun process the green light on the matter Obama. One hopes that they had their scheisse together.

    I am awaiting formal legal action on the matter. If it doesn't happen, there is no case or the higher ups think it too dangerous to confront. Could be the latter with the New Black Panthers, ACORN/SEIU, DNC, Soros.com, and moveon.orgasm on the loose with Holder.Obama unholstering six shooters on anything conservative or white.

    Subject: Re: Proof Positive: Born in Kenya, Africa

    ...let's say for argument's sake, all of this "proof" is indeed accurate. It would amount to the biggest electoral fraud ever committed-the collapse of the DEM party and lead to the fall of the US government=DOOMSDAY SCENARIO.

    A more likely scenario based on the current unpopularity of the O Regime is the loss of the US House in NOV and a reduced majority in the Senate. A lame duck DEM congress will then attempt passage of card check, cap and tax, a Nuke treaty, other tax increases etc as their parting shot against the American people. They-DEMs, know they have a limited window to inflict further legislative and fiscal damage to the US body politic.

    Subject: Fw: Proof Positive: Born in Kenya, Africa

    You be the judge!

    Subject: Proof Positive: Born in Kenya, Africa

    Yeah, I'm a Birther. For those of you who know how to significantly enlarge a document, try this. Enlarge the mint green Certificate of Live Birth and go to the bottom left of the form, I believe, if this is the same certificate I saw about 18 months ago, you will see that the form was revised early in this decade thus making it a forgery. Google has the certificate.

  10. Don't forget: ''Half of us are below average.''
    In other words, ''Half the people in the world have below-average intelligence,'' which means that most people in the world are either retarded, literally, or just on the borderline above the retardation line. And even those who are above the average (the mean), which is I.Q. 100, are mostly all clustered around the mean of 100, as the Gaussian Distribution shows. Very few people occupy the ''standard deviations'' above the cluster around the mean. And most people are even below that, even below the mean (average) of 100 I.Q.

    And then add to that the fact that most people, even the most brilliant people, have some kind of ''judgment-impairing'' emotional or psychological disorder, according to all of the ''incidence studies'' of emotional and psychological illness in the general population, such as the Midtown Manhattan Longitudinal Research, which anybody can google.

  11. ...the Midtown Manhattan Longitudinal Research, which anybody can google. ''MOST'' people have some such disorder as ''narcissistic or histrionic or borderline or sociopathic or authoritarian, etc. personality disorder, or obsessive compulsive disorder, clinical depression, serotonin deficit disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, neurosis, dyslexia, hypermanic disorder, pragnanz defects, hyperactivity attention-deficit disorder/HADD, all kinds of learning disabilities, learning disorders, alcoholism, gambling addiction, sex-addict disorder, oversecretion and undersecretion of all kinds of electrolytes and organs, such as thyroid, adrenal gland, brain chemistry disorders, such as diabetes, hyperactivity, high blood pressure, etc., etc., and on and on.

  12. ...high blood pressure, etc., etc., and on and on. There is almost nobody with a perfect balance in all secretions and electrolytes and judgment conditions in the brain and other organs, which would be necessary, to be thinking accurately all the time, with every decision about every issue. That state of health in thinking is extremely rare, such as in Reagan's, and even he eventually became afflicted with a judgment-impairing disorder himself, Alzheimer's disease, which destroyed his ability to think. Really, we're walking around in, and living our lives in, all the time, a population of mentally retarded people, all around us, all the time.

  13. ...a population of mentally retarded people, all around us, all the time.

    What makes you ''YOU'' is electro-chemical impulses, running through your brain, every second while you are ''thinking'', or as the behaviorists call it, ''performing covert verbal behavior'' in your brain. It's almost never perfect, even in an intelligent person like yourself, so we can easily extrapolate to the ''normal'' functioning of all those retarded and near-retarded ''mental defectives'', which are most of the people on the planet, and this should give us a clue as to how they are ''thinking'', especially about complex Economics issues.

  14. ...especially about complex Economics issues.

    One of the first steps we need to take, in solving these problems, is to make people aware of all this stuff, especially the ''incidence'' statistics of all these disorders of thinking and decision-making.

    One of the best places to begin, in acquiring such an awareness, is the great classics, such as ''I'm OK.... You're OK'', by Dr. Thomas Harris. And then after that, Beyond Freedom and Dignity, and then: Be the Person You Were Meant to Be, and I Ain't Much, Baby, but I'm All I've Got, and Compassion and Self-Hate, and New Guide for Rational Living, and Looking Out For Number One, and I Ain't Well, But I Sure Am Better, and Ain't I a Wonder and Ain't You a Wonder Too, and On Becoming a Person, and Wings of Illusion, etc., etc.

  15. ...and Wings of Illusion, etc., etc.

    This is a very complicated problem, naturally, and a very difficult problem which will require many decades, to begin to solve it, if we even can solve it at all, before ''the end'' comes. Most people, because of their low-level intellect functioning, are easy prey to good con-artist street hustlers, like "President'' Taquiyya Obama, and the siren songs of easy answers like Marxism, socialism, communism, anarchism, and so on.

    But the right place to start is with the great classic, I'm OK.... You're OK. That is just the beginning of the very basics, but we must start somewhere, with the therapy for the world.

    mike, in bookworld, living in the world of great books, the REAL world, and glad to be out of the stupid delusional world outside of books, which is forced on me occasionally.

  16. ...which is forced on me occasionally.

    Dedicated to ratcheting-up the thinking---and conversation---to the maximum quality of learning and utilitarianism/eudaemonism, which doesn't include small-talk or captious fault-finding.

  17. I meant to quote Wittgenstein regarding his demonstration that most of the big important words we live by are nonsense terms with no meaning whatsoever, such as ''justice'', ''morality'', ''spirit'', ''soul'', ''god'', ''devil'', ''angel'', ''metaphysics'', ''teleology'', ''eschatology'', and on and on and on. He demonstrated inexorably that the whole world population has a collective mental illness, and is constantly engaged in doing almost everything it does out of its mental illness, such as ''worshipping God''. Even our own religions tell us not to do that. For example, the Koran and the Bible in Deuteronomy, where Moses talks to God as a burning bush and gets the 10 Commandments, tell us that God/Allah said that we should have no ''graven image'' of God at all, including in our mind or our verbal definitions, and we can't even say any name for God, but only Yaweh, which means ''I am who am'', specifically with no definition, name, or image. What this means is that everybody who is worshipping any image that they have of God/Allah is worshipping a false idol, whether it is a definition in words, a picture, a statue like a golden calf, a human figure like Jesus, a ''wrathful god who requires punishment and obeisance'', a god who issues rules, commandments, revelation etc., any image whatsoever: If you are worshipping anything at all, you're worshipping a false idol, because whatever image you are worshipping, it's your own human creation, a ''graven image'' forbidden by God and Allah, according to all religions. If you are worshipping anything at all, you are worshipping a false idol, because whatever you are worshipping is an image, and it is not ''God''. Whatever image you are worshipping, said God in Deuteronomy, you might as well build a golden calf and worship that, because that is what you're doing anyway, just worshipping a graven image, an image created by man. Because, whatever you are worshipping, God is not that. Humans are not capable of knowing God or the ''true nature of reality'' or the ''universe'', or its ''meaning''. As Lao Tsu said: "The greater the island of knowledge, the greater the shoreline of wondering.'' It is an asymptotic exercise, to try to move closer to ''the truth'', and the closer we get to it, the more questions we get, not less, so we only get further away from it. I'm talking about Wittgenstein here, who said ''Not only can we not answer any questions about metaphysical/spiritual things, such as 'Is there a God?'; not only can we not answer such questions, but the questions themselves don't make any sense; they are nonsense questions, with no meaning, composed of nonsense terms which have no meaning, since all meaning comes from our EXPERIENCE with the phenomenon being described, and nobody has any experience with metaphysical/spiritual things, BY DEFINITION!!!!!: ''meta'' ''physical'', which means ''beyond our physical world'', those things that we get no signals from, that we can't know about, and that we can't even know whether any such things exist. And yet, 99.percent of the world's population are ''worshipping'' these entities, these images that they have in their minds, created by themselves, and they're even fighting horrible wars with each other about which one of their images is the 'correct' one. It's a collective mental illness, literally.'' Quote approximate. The only cure for this mental illness, says Wittgenstein, is ''language analysis'', to determine which words are nonsense terms and which are accurate, and why, and their sources, etc.
